Home Austria Carinthia / Kärnten

Castle hotels in Carinthia

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Falkensteiner Schlosshotel Velden

5-Star Hotel
Schlosspark 1, 9220 Velden am Wörthersee, Kärnten
Great wellness hotel located on the western shore of Wörthersee, the largest lake in Carinthia. The original castle was erected in 16th century as noble residence but the current Neo-Renaissance building is the result of a reconstruction carried out in the late 19th century.
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Hotel Schloss Lerchenhof

4-Star Hotel
Untermöschach 8, 9620 Hermagor, Kärnten
Excellent 4 star manor hotel located in the village of Untermöschach. Lerchenhof is a listed palace built between 1848 and 1851 for the mining industrialist Julius von Wodley and is considered a fine example of Biedermeier neoclassical architecture.
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Hotel See-Villa

4-Star Hotel
Seestraße 68, 9872 Millstatt am See, Kärnten
Beautiful historic hotel with private beach set in a 19th century country house on the shore of Lake Millstatt.
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Seeschlössl Velden

4-Star Hotel
Klagenfurter Straße 34, 9220 Velden am Wörthersee, Kärnten
A picturesque early 20th century aristocratic mansion located on the shores of the Lake Wörth, in the middle of 7000 square meters of lush garden.
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